Clark County Board of Supervisors Approves Handbook Revision to PTO Time and Resignation
Saturday, December 12th, 2015 -- 7:04 AM
-Employee compensation and the employee handbook were the main focus of Wednesday night's Clark County Board of Supervisors meeting.After hearing the update on the county's Class and Comp. Study, the Board began with a resolution about changes to the Employee Handbook. No action was taken on the study because the Personnel Department is still working out the final details. The study could potentially be approved in 2016 and go into full effect by January 1st of 2017.
The first resolution in regards to the handbook was making changes to the section regarding termination of employment and use of benefit time. This revision states that unless and employee meets the eligibility of the Wisconsin Retirement System, they can't use banked PTO and vacation time to extend their termination date. Put simply, if a Clark County employee is resigning from the county, and they're under the retirement age, and they are leaving on, for example, the last Friday in January, they can't use any of their banked PTO and vacation time leading up to that date.
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