Clark County Board of Supervisors Hears Update on Class and Comp Study
Friday, December 11th, 2015 -- 10:23 AM
-Employee compensation and the employee handbook were the main focus of Wednesday night's Clark County Board of Supervisors meeting.This began with a presentation on the current status of the county's Class and Comp Study. A draft has been written up that creates three major phases of pay increases. The first phase is the Starting/Training Range. This wage is anywhere from 80%-88% of the mid-market compensation level of pay.
The next phase is the Step Progression Phase. In this phase, there are 6 steps that a county employee can progress through in order to receive a pay increase as they continue to work within the county. An employee would reach these levels after every 18 months of employment. The amount ranges from 90% of the mid-market compensation level of pay at Step 1, up to 108% of the mid-market compensation level of pay at Step 6.
At that point, employees would go into the Retention Incentive Rates Phase. After 10, 15 and 20 years of employment, an employee could receive a pay increase equaling out to 112%,116% and 120%, respectively, of the mid-market compensation level of pay. However, that increase would need to be approved by the County Personnel Committee before it could happen. It would be up to the employee's superior to determine whether that employee has earned the increase.
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