Owen-Withee School Board Discusses Employment Matters
Monday, September 21st, 2015 -- 8:18 AM
-The Owen-Withee School Board discussed employment matters at their meeting last week.The board unanimously approved the hiring of Shayla Gulcynski for the position of teacher's aide in the jr/sr high school. Shayla replaces Heidi Bower. The board also unanimously approved the hiring of Barby Serocki to serve as the District's One-Act play Assistant Director.
District Administrator Bob Houts also reported to the Board that there were no incidences of seclusion or restraint used on students in the 2014-15 school year and the Board unanimously approved a one year contract with Town and Country Transportation to provide the District's transportation needs. The contract includes a 2.5% increase in busing costs and an increase to $15 per hour for drivers for field trips and events.
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