Two Local Bands Donating Time to Raise Back Funds Stolen During Chili Street Dance
Friday, August 14th, 2015 -- 11:28 AM
-Two local bands will be donating their time for a fundraiser to earn back money that was stolen during the Chili Street Dance for Sherwood Lake's Dredging Project.The bands Toy Guns and Killing Rapunzel will play at Tommy's Hilltop on Saturday, August 29th after the steak feed. They'll be doing 50/50 raffles to raise back the money that was stolen from the Chili Street Dance Taco stand August 1st that was supposed to go to Friends of Sherwood Lake.
On the events Facebook page it reads: "What does a community do when a couple of jerks, (editor's note: their language was a bit more colorful) steal money from a charity event? Well, of course, they throw a rock and roll show to raise the money back. Come support the Friends of Sherwood for a night of Rock and Roll, music starts around 8:00." It was also posted on the page that the show would be known as the "Nacho" Money show.
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