Senator Ron Johnson Talks about Hot Button Issues, Part 4 Affordable Care Act
Thursday, July 23rd, 2015 -- 10:15 AM
-Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson was in the Central Wisconsin area on Saturday.Senator Johnson sat down with me and talked about some hot button issues on the federal level. Senator Johnson is strongly opposed to the Affordable Care Act.
"I don't see how trained lawyers who have risen to the point of the Supreme Court can't look at the statute, look at the legislative history of it, listen to people that were instrumental in actually crafting and creating the law and look at something that says 'subsidies will only be paid through exchanges established by the state.' And the reason they did that is they wanted to coheres states into establishing their own exchanges. I mean, that's why the wrote it that way. It's specifically written that way! Pretty basic to me! Pretty much a no brain decision. But, that's not the way the Supreme Court ruled, which is why, I think, a Justice said this shouldn't be called Obamacare anymore it should be called SCOTUScare. The Wall Street Journal said it should really be called Robertscare because the Supreme Court is doing just about everything it can to protect Obamacare."
"Okay, so that's the reality. From my stand point, based on that reality, I think, as responsible legislators now, we need to take look at the law that's in place. We need to identify the damage it's doing, the harm it's causing. We need to try and reduce that damage, try and look at future damage. And I'm the guy that, if the decision would have gone the right way, I'd lead. I'd offer that proposal, Preserve Your Freedom of Choice in Healthcare, that I think would be the Republican response to a proper Supreme Court decision."
"Which, again, I got attacked from the right on that because I wasn't demanding an immediate repeal because it's not possible under President Obama. All I was asking for right there is if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it. Even Obamacare, even your subsidies. Through August of 2017, set up in the 2016 election is the referendum on what direction our healthcare system should take. How do we transition away from a lot of the damaging aspects of Obamacare into more patient centered care, where people actually have the freedom of choice and actually utilize the benefits of free market reforms. Again, how do we do that? That's what we still have to do."
Coming up on Friday, Senator Johnson will talk about the upcoming elections and his strategy going forward.
For More:
Part 1, Iran Deal:
Part 2, Tomah VA Incident:
Part 3, Border Security:
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