Greenwood School Board Report
Saturday, May 16th, 2015 -- 7:29 AM
The Greenwood School Board approved under staffing actions at their meeting on Tuesday.Teacher contracts and Support Staff letters of 'Intent to Hire' were approved, the 2015-16 Teacher Handbook was approved with the only changes being Compensation language in Section 3.01plus a Co-curricular pay addendum. Also, Kelsy Hribar was hired for the MS/HS English and Drama position while Noah Werner was hired for Tech Ed. And the format change for 4K next year caused the elimination of Heidi Foottit's part-time position. Camille Baehr will be full-time.
The district is also working on a vision statement. High School Principal Todd Fischer will introduce a plan to include parent and community input in coordination with the current staff work. Also, an existing loan from the State Commissioner of Public Lands was re-financed through Forward Financial.
Finally, the update and recommendations for Building & Grounds improvements plus capital expenditures were discussed and several items were approved. A building & grounds committee meeting will be needed for reviewing Scott Moseley's school forest project plans.**
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.