Clark County Economic Development Corporation and Tourism Bureau Celebrating 25 Years
Monday, May 11th, 2015 -- 11:40 AM
In the 1980's there was a demand for a countywide economic development organization and it became a reality in 1990 with a special thanks to the following volunteer Start-up Committee and Interim Directors: Gerald Ackeret- Dorchester, Richard Adler-Greenwood, Hanford Anderson-Thorp, Randy Anderson-Neillsville, Lawrence Behling-Chili, Robert Berglund-Loyal, Bob Buker-Greenwood, Steve Burgess-Neillsville, Marcia Denk-Greenwood, Ron Dux-Loyal, Diane Fieten-Colby, Katie Fredrickson-Owen, Jerry Gerber-Owen, Henry Grube-Abbotford, Richard Halverson-Loyal, Betty Hills-Loyal, Dick Hughes-Owen, Gene Knoll-Colby, Roy Morrison-Loyal, Walter Ollech-Withee, Arthur Olsen-Loyal, Donald Pentz-Greenwood, James Pfalzgraf-Thorp, Sharon Rogers-Neillsville, Bruce Sautebin-Greenwood, Jeanette Steiner-Granton, Karl Stieglitz-Greenwood, Frank Thomas-Neillsville, Ron Tieman-Greenwood, and Gary Weirauch-Loyal."25 years ago these folks got together to form Clark Counties' first Economic Development organization with the purpose of becoming the coordinator and guiding force for economic growth and development in Clark County. The goal was to secure a strong future for our county thru partnerships," According to Don Pentz, one of 2 founding members who are still serving on the board.
"This new standalone non-profit volunteer organization would service all of Clark County. Partnerships were formed between the citizens, communities, businesses and county", says Pentz. "We were charged with helping grow our economy and employment base, promote our industrial, retail and tourism businesses, plus provide professional economic development expertise to our county municipalities and economic development groups; thus creating a future that is bright and forward moving."
Our first Executive Director was Edward Bieno who led the organization under the direction of the board for 6 years. During the early years setting up the organization, pulling the partners together and setting goals was a large task. Creating a funding mechanism to help aid business start-ups and expansions was also a goal that was accomplished. To this day the funding pool has grown to help hundreds of folks achieve their business dreams through a revolving loan fund.
Other successes during the early years ? formation of Clark County Housing Authority, research and TEA funding for infrastructure in business parks, grants for training employees, Job Fairs, other business assistance, creation of website and production of a Discover Wisconsin TV Promotion to name a few.
Today the CCEDC&TB continues with projects like: Downtown Revitalization, employee growth, business retention and expansion, cluster marketing, Technology Development, Broadband throughout the County, Workforce Council Team, Alumni Recruitment, High School Students Bus tours of our county businesses, Social Media marketing of our county, along with business planning and financing.
Tourism efforts include: Spring Art Tour, Visitor Guide production and marketing, Ag Tourism promotion, assistance with hosting Alice in Dairyland event, cluster advertising for greenhouses, arts, maple syrup, honey, specialty shops, produce and so much more.
We are particularly proud of the efforts of our hundreds of volunteers (who log over 3,500 hours annually) whom come together for a special common purpose. They organize and accomplish their goals and do so very much for the good of the county. Groups like "Arts in Clark" Clark County Tourism Committee, Friends of the Clark County Fairgrounds, Clark County Community Foundation, and Professional Ladies of Clark County the list goes on and on.
Mayor Jim Schmidt of Colby adds "we work hard on the board to accomplish many different goals and satisfy the ever changing needs in our county. We are proud to play an iatrical role in business growth which increases our job numbers. The partnerships we have created over the many years I have been involved, are meaningful and long lasting. It is a pleasure to be part of this organization."
"It is with great satisfaction that I've been helping with the preparation for the 25th anniversary celebration of the Clark County Economic Development Corporation," says founding board member Diane Feiten. "Bob Berglund, then chairman of the Clark County Board, appointed me chair of the County Board ED Committee. This appointment gave me membership in the organizational team working to form the Corporation. This team met often and the Corporation became a reality in 1990. It is great to still be a member of the Corporation ? now 25 years strong!"
"The only proper way to recognize such a milestone is to Celebrate it!" says Executive Director Sheila Nyberg.
The 25th Anniversary Gala is set for Saturday June 6th form 4:30PM to 10PM under the stars at Munson Bridge Winery ? Withee. Dinner and Dancing with music provided by Clark County's own ? Howie Sturtz and the orchestra!!
"Howie is excited to come out of retirement with his group of talented players to entertain us and celebrate with us", says Jim Maurina a long time board member. Maurina made all the arrangements for Howie, a lifelong local entertainer, to play a major role in the celebration.
All of our past board members have been contacted and we want them to come help us celebrate what they have nurtured for so many years. We will honor our many board members from past and present at the event.
A silent auction will be held during the evening with many many wonderful items from the Clark County region for party goers to bid on. Many of these items are made/produced right here in our county.
Come out and have some fun and celebrate with us.
We are so proud to celebrate Enriching Clark County for 25 years.
Contact Clark County EDC at 715-255-9100 or email [email protected] for more information, tickets, donation items.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.