Fire District and CDA Report at Owen City Council Meeting
Thursday, May 7th, 2015 -- 11:02 AM
-The Owen City Council heard a report from the Owen-Withee-Curtiss Fire District at their meeting last week.The city will be looking at an increased assessment in 2016 of $28,980.00 approximately which is $3,980 more than the 2015 assessment. The pumper truck sold for $3,000. The new Curtiss fire department foundation will be poured in May. The council also approved to change the time of Council Meetings from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm effective immediately.
Finally, the council heard the CDA Report from CDA Director Tim Swiggum. The Dollar General building is progressing nicely. The building lines up nicely for 4th Street or a path. James Louks sent an exciting email saying things are happening. O.M.I. is still being considered by four different businesses. The Downtown Revitalization met on Thursday. There is 1 garden remaining at the Community Gardens Plot. Tim and Dennis Lulloff met with the railroad at the site of the burnt railroad bridge and the Woodland auction was a success with mostly everything selling.
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