Owen-Withee School Board Approves Junior Prom for May 1st
Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 -- 8:01 AM
The Owen-Withee School Board began their meeting with a presentation about prom from the Junior Class.
The five class officers for the Class of 2022 were on hand to present to the Board their request to hold a Junior Prom on Saturday, May 1st. The group had specific details (who, what, when, where and even how) they will run their prom. The Board had several questions and the officers answered them.
Later in the meeting, after a bit more discussion, the Board approved the request to have a prom on May 1st. Two changes from what the Junior Class officers presented included allowing 4 adults to attend the Grand March to take photos and allowing the sophomore class to attend the prom. The request was approved on a 7-0 vote.
Also, results of the 2021 Spring Election were disseminated and discussed. Angela Greschner and Paul Heggemeier were re-elected to the Board. Todd Nelson will be a newcomer and will be seated on the Board at the May 10th meeting.
The Board also heard a Building Project Update. District Administrator Bob Houts shared a drawing of the dome portion of the building project with the Board that was used in the sub-committee discussions on March 29th. Some changes to that plan were made at those March 29th meetings.
New drawings will be presented at the next meetings on Monday, April 19th and finer details like outlet location, audio/data connection locations and other finer details will be discussed. LHB Architects and Market and Johnson will be at the May 10th meeting to present the final plan to the Board.
Administration also asked that the Board revise the COVID-19 plan to eliminate the need for screening of staff/students/visitors as they enter the building. While effective early in the school year, the process is less so now. The Board approved that change on a 7-0 voice vote.
The Board then took up the issue of masks in school. A motion to continue the mask mandate, as is, through May 3rd after which a parental excuse to not wear a mask would be accepted failed due to a lack of a second. A motion was made and seconded to continue the current mask mandate through the end of the school year passed on a 6-1 vote.
In employment matters, the board approved the resignation of Margery Monaghan-Wittenberg from her Special Education position and thanked her for her service. They also approved the retirement of Sara Thorson as the District Secretary and thanked her for her 33 years of service to the District. The Board also approved the hiring of Jona Hatlestad as the Middle School Track Coach to work with Mr. Eichstadt.
Administration also requested to hire two additional teachers to help students who have fallen behind during the COVID-19 pandemic and to increase the time of Deb Delyea, Director of Pupil Services, from 3 days to 4 days per week . Teachers will be used for class size reduction and remediation/intervention for the next two years. This additional staffing will be paid for out of federal ESSER funds. The Board unanimously approved the request.
The Board unanimously approved the hiring of Jayci Blume as a physical Ed/health teacher. Ms. Blume will be mainly teaching in the MS/HS. They also approved the hiring of Katherine Olejnichak to teach science classes in the MS/HS. Mrs. Olejnichak previously taught in the District and has spent the past 6 years teaching in the Gilman School District.
They also approved the hiring of Brandy Pecha teach Special Ed. in the high school. Administration has also requested approval for a technology purchase to replace the current student laptops. 100 – 14” laptops for the juniors and seniors will be purchased and 250 - 11” machines will be purchased for grades 5-10. ESSER funds will be used to cover the $205,000 cost. The Board unanimously approved the request.
Administration also requested that the District continue to offer secondary accident insurance to cover their students and athletes. The insurance from Student Assurance Services, Inc. covers all school sponsored activities. The cost of the insurance, $10,050, will remain the same as this year. The Board unanimously approved this request.
Administration also requested that the District list ADM as a depository for the District. This will mean that ADM will take the funds the District currently has for the building project and spread it around to several banks to reduce their risk and utilize FDIC insurance. They will invest the funds in CDs and Money Market accounts so that they can draw interest on the funds. The Board unanimously approved this request.
High School Principal Matt Cihlar pointed out a slight flaw in the District’s athletic code due to the delay of the spring seasons by the WIAA. Administration requested that the 15 day ineligibility period start at the time grades were posted and that athletes who failed a 3rd quarter class be required to show they are passing all of their classes before eligibility is restored. This request is for the 2021 spring season only. The Board unanimously approved the request.
Also, Mr. Houts notified that the traditional Staff Recognition Dinner, typically held the first Wednesday in May in association with National Education Week, will not be held this year. Instead, a recognition luncheon will be held on the last day of school.
For graduation, Mr. Cihlar highlighted several ideas for graduation and the final weeks for seniors. The Board unanimously approved having the ceremony on Saturday, May 22 at 10 AM outside, if appropriate, in the gym if not. Each graduate will be allowed to invite a maximum of 6 guests.
The Board also unanimously approved holding the Senior Banquet on Wednesday, May 19th at 6:00 PM. Seniors will be allowed to invite 2 guests if parents are married and 4 if they are not.
The banquet will be for adults only, students or siblings. Seniors will do a class trip on Friday, May 7th. The trip must stay within District Boundaries and must be approved by administration in advance.
Finally, the board heard the Administrators’ Reports. Elementary Principal Julie Van Ark reported on and thanked Nazareth Church for the tremendous gifts provided for students and staff. The gifts are always a big hit and much appreciated.
The Scholastic Book Fair wrapped up last week with a much better response than they had last fall. Thanks to the Woodgrove Workers 4H group for donating $300 for the purchase of books for kids. Also, thanks to Mrs. Nelson and all the teachers who helped make the fair a success.
The elementary school will be utilizing Bridging Brighter Smiles to provide basic dental services next. Summer School packets will be sent home this week. They will be using the Colby pool this year for swim lessons. They are also trying to develop a Summer Rec program for the afternoons.
Mr. Cihlar reported on spring sports, including that they have 12 kids out for track, 11 for softball, 17 for baseball, 6 for golf and 26 out for MS track. He also reviewed the prom and graduation plans for May.
Mr. Houts reported to the Board that the Legislative Fiscal Bureau has come out with the numbers for what the District has and will receive in ESSER funds, (ESSER I - $198,291, GEER I - $733,333, ESSER II - $792,437, ESSER III $1,779,596), for a total of $2,843,657 which comes out to $5,863 per student.
Finally, he thanked Dr. Julie Wendler for her 11 years of service and leadership to the Board. Her presence will be missed.
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