Wisconsin's March Crop Weather Report
Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 -- 9:04 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) Early March brought warm weather to Wisconsin with many locations setting record highs on the ninth or tenth.
According to the Wisconsin Ag Connection, that's according to the USDA's monthly crop weather report, which stated Eau Claire received the most precipitation at 1.56 inches, while Milwaukee received the least at 0.84 inch.
Monthly temperatures were all above normal. Temperatures ranged from 8.4 degrees above normal in Eau Claire to 5.1 degrees above normal in Madison. Average highs ranged from 46.8 degrees in Green Bay to 52.6 degrees in La Crosse. Average lows ranged from 27.6 degrees in Eau Claire to 33.0 degrees in and Milwaukee.
La Crosse received the most snow of the major cities with 4.0 inches, while Milwaukee received the least with 0.8 inch for the month. The snow cover is mostly gone in northern Wisconsin, and the frost is starting to come out of the ground.
In the southern part of the state the snow and frost are entirely gone. Central Wisconsin has mixed conditions. Manure spreading has begun, though some fields are still too muddy.
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