Owen City Council Approves Several Items at Tuesday Meeting
Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 -- 10:13 AM
-The Owen City Council approved several items during their meeting on Tuesday of last week.The council approved the proposal from Westland Insurance for Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance renewal of $31,378.00.
They also approved the Certified Survey Map #1272 for the Dollar General and approved Resolution #2014-7 for execution of the Deed to Jon & Mabel Harms for Part of Outlot 29A of the Assessor?s Plat.
The council also reviewed a revised copy of the year-to-date 2014 budget and there were no questions. The council approved Chief Andy Schade to attend a three day training, Train-The-Trainer, in Milwaukee and tabled the repairs needed to the 2011 Chevy Caprice squad car for Owen.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.