Loyal School Board Discusses Referendum, But Did Not Finalize Yet
Friday, July 18th, 2014 -- 8:18 AM
-The Loyal School Board approved some items for the next school year and discussed some items from the previous school year at their meeting on Wednesday.The board approved JV golf for next year and accepted the resignation of a Biology teacher, food service person, teacher?s assistant and lawn maintenance person. They also tabled a possible hiring of a 1st grade teacher, but they did hire their Fall sport?s coaches.
The board also heard a report on the district?s seclusion/restraint numbers for 2013-14. They had zero incidents of seclusion and 15 incidents of restraint involving one student.
They also discussed a referendum, but set another meeting date of August 4th to finalize it as some board members had a question about the wording.
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