Owen-Withee School Board May Administrator's Reports
Saturday, May 24th, 2014 -- 8:37 AM
The Owen-Withee School Board heard the administrator?s reports at their recent meeting.Elementary Principal Lance Batchelor reported on the team of teachers who traveled to Medford on April 30th to see interventions and their PBIS program. He reported on the 4th grade trip to Madison, the 5th grade trip to Milwaukee, the May 19th Accelerated Reader reward day, summer school and the 4th grade agriculture day on May 28th. He finished with telling the board that the elementary awards assembly will be Tuesday, June 3rd at 1:25 PM and the Mrs. Swartz will be conducting the 8th Annual Spring Sing on Wednesday, June 4th at 1:00pm.
Jr/Sr High Dean of Students Brian Lewison reported on Community Service day on May 14th, the Band Concert held Monday evening after the Board meeting, the Vocal Extravaganza held on Monday, March 19th and the senior banquet held on Wednesday, May 21st. He finished with telling the board about graduation preparations and the final days of school June 3rd?5th.
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