CDA Report at Owen City Council Meeting
Friday, April 18th, 2014 -- 7:37 AM
-The Owen City Council heard the CDA report at their meeting on Tuesday of last week.CDA Director Tim Swiggum reported that the Family Dollar has rescinded their offer to Dave Konwinski and the Family Dollar coming to Owen is no longer a possibility. The closing with the Rail Road is near as a few details are being addressed and the lumber mill in Greenwood that recently burned down, expressed some interest in the OMI Building. Finally, Swiggum gave a tour of the Woodland to a party from Eau Claire.
The council also approved to change the Police Chief Employment Agreement to read the residency requirement of 2 miles to 15 miles and to raise Dennis Looker?s wage to $20/hour retroactive to 3/24/14. Also, a no on-call procedure was created for public works department.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.