Neillsville Residents Receive 2013 Water Quality Report
Tuesday, April 15th, 2014 -- 11:15 AM
-Neillsville residents should have received the 2013 City of Neillsville Water Quality Report in the mail recently.The report is designed to inform residents about the water quality and services the Neillsville Public Works Department provides every day.
Some items of note from the report include an upcoming project the city has talked about for a while now. The utility department will be replacing a 4 inch water main with a 6 inch water main on Grand Avenue from Division Street to 2nd Street.
The report also elaborated on the results of water samples taken by the city on a regular basis. The City of Neillsville had no violations and any constituents measured within the sample were very low. To put it into perspective, an individual would have to drink two liters of water, with the maximum allowable level of a constituent, per day for a lifetime to even have a one-and-a-million chance of feeling any effects.
For instance, the constituent Nitrate has an MCL, maximum contaminant level, of 10 parts per million and Neillsville?s water had 1.30 parts per million of Nitrate. All-in-all, Neillsville?s water is in great shape.
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