Clark County Schools Forum, Part 2
Wednesday, March 5th, 2014 -- 1:36 PM
-The Clark County Schools Forum was held at Owen-Withee on Monday evening.One reason this forum was held was to allow the local school district?s administrators and board members work towards achieving their SMART Goals. One of those goals, was having direct contact with their legislators. Newly elected Representative of the 69th District, Bob Kulp of Stratford, was on hand to hear the concerns of the administrators and board members and offer his thoughts.
Bob told those in attendance that the members of the Education Committee or working diligently to find something that works regarding the Common Core State Standards.
"Of course, I've heard the hype on the other side that has this....the four horsemen of the apocalypse," said Representative Kulp. "I am no where close to believing that. What's happening right now in the assembly with this, of course, it was in the assembly and going to vote and then it was tabled, basically, because, I think, it needed to have more work done. The gentleman and ladies that are on the Education Committee, many of them are educating professionals. So it's not like its just a bunch of people that were roofers one day and are setting curriculum the next and I'm real happy with that."
Bob said that the bills in the legislator give Wisconsin flexibility regarding the standards.
Bob continued, "It is basically saying that, we in Wisconsin will have a more flexible and coarse for our education. And we're not going to necessarily just take what the federal government hands down."
The Clark County Schools Forum had administrators and board members from many local schools including Abbotsford, Colby, Marshfield and Loyal.
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