Final Items from Loyal School Board Meeting
Monday, March 3rd, 2014 -- 10:59 AM
-The Loyal School Board approved a tree purchase in honor of the Draper and Hill Family.Eldon Hill, a Loyal graduate from 1938, made a generous donation to a scholarship fund for Loyal students. The district will be planting a tree in honor of his family and the Draper family.
The board also approved a new school sign with the Frontier Logo. Frontier will donate land and part of the cost in exchange for having their logo on the new sign.
Some final items from the meeting include the approval of an out of state field trip to New York in 2015 for the NHS, approved the CESA 10 and CESA 5 contracts, approved an additional hour to the Junior High Social Studies Class if needed, briefly mentioned the Legislative Forum being held in Medford in March and they had the first reading of the Youth Options Program Policy and the Employment of the District Administrator Policy.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.