Greenwood School Board Hears COVID-19 Incident Report
Thursday, March 11th, 2021 -- 11:01 AM

The Greenwood School Board heard a COVID-19 incident report at their meeting.
They have not had a positive case since the end of January. District staff will receive the first dose of the covid-19 vaccine date of March 11th and the second dose on April 8th . The district should not need a waiver from the DPI for the Hours of Instruction requirement.
The district will apply for a waiver for Educator Effectiveness. The federal government will not be issuing any waivers for required student assessments. The state of WI has provided some flexibility in test administration.
Also, the Board approved an E-Learning day on April 9th and there will be NO E-Learning days on March 19th or April 16th. They will be regular in-person school days for students and staff. The Board tabled an initial draft of the 2022-2023 school calendar.
More time is needed to explore the possibility of late summer school days to begin the school year. The Board also received an update on the CWETN courses being offered to students in 2021-22 and the Board reaffirmed that building use requests will be evaluated on a monthly basis.
Focus will continue to be on those events which are district-sponsored or involve district students. The Board also approved waiving utilities costs associated with the Fitness Center.
The Board also received a financial update from Ms. Zimmer, approved modifications reducing the interest rates on two district loans, approved the 3-year contract with CLA for the annual district audit, approved 2021-2022 CESA 10 Service Contract estimate, received an update on the Health Insurance renewal process, and approved a request from the Association for Equity in Funding of a supplemental membership payment.
The board also completed the first reading of a policy series. The board also discussed and approved the District Substitute Staff position for the 2021-22 school year with the number of days and pay to be determined.
The Board also discussed a proposed adjusted teacher longevity compensation model. The Board requested more information on costing differences. The Board also received initial information regarding staffing needs for the 2021-22 school year.
In employment matters, the board approved Hannah Olson as the Assistant Track Coach, approved a volunteer and accepted the resignation of Brad Zimbauer as the Assistant Football Coach.
The board also heard the Committee Reports. The representative was unable to attend the last CESA 10 meeting and the Medford Legislative event scheduled for March 1st was canceled.
Employee Relations met on March 2nd. Board Member Jerome Krempasky reported on the 2022-2023 calendar discussions and student participation on E-Learning Days.
Buildings and Grounds met on March 8th. Mark Shain reported on the Capital Improvement Plan review and the early discussion of spring and summer projects. Co-Curricular met on March 4th and District Administrator Todd Felhofer reported out on the Softball co-op with Loyal, elimination of the Impact concussion testing protocol, and continued live streaming of Greenwood events.
The Board also heard the Administrators’ Reports. Elementary Principal Joe Green provided an update on Summer School 2021. The dates are June 7th-11th for traditional summer school, June 14th-18th for traditional summer school for grades K-6th and Invention Project for grades 7th-9th, June 21st-25th is Camp Invention for grades 1st-6th, and July 12th-16th is traditional summer school.
The high school construction class is completing the ceiling in the Outdoor Classroom. The hope is to conduct the Annual Color Run again at the elementary school. Planning will begin with participant safety in mind. The event will be contingent to health conditions in the area.
And Greenwood Elementary School is completing the application to renew its school-wide Title I designation. Mr. Felhofer provided an update on the state mask mandate. Should the mask mandate be eliminated, the district has a policy to continue to require the wearing of masks inside of district buildings at least until the end of the 2020-21 school year.
The 2021-23 budget presented by Governor Evers proposed many pro-education items. It is likely that many of his proposals will be cut-out or altered during the legislative process.
Parent-Teacher conferences on February 25th were conducted via email or phone call. Many teachers reported a positive response to this approach. MS/HS is moving forward with the Block schedule for 2021-22. The next test will be can we effectively schedule students in classes?
The softball co-op has been approved by the WIAA for 2021. Greenwood will be the host school. Greenwood and Loyal will continue to discuss any other future co-op programs. The junior class took the ACT on March 9th.
Finally, during the communication from the public portion of the meeting, a community member asked if the district was requiring all staff to get the covid-19 vaccination. He also indicated hearing that the state is again looking at school mascot names.
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