1st Reading Of An Ordinance Approved
Thursday, December 26th, 2013 -- 10:02 AM
The Clark County Board of Supervisors approved the 1st Reading of an Ordinance that makes changes to the County Board Rules.The Clark County Board of Supervisors rules are supposed to be reviewed and revised every two years. The last time it was done was in 2006 so this was overdue. The Clark County Corporation Counsel, Jake Brunette, made changes to the rules and used similar counties as a guideline.
Some highlights to the changes include allowing the board to call special meetings besides the regular monthly meeting and being able to broadcast the meetings if they choose. Better definition was given to a clause that talked about appointing someone to the board in case of a vacancy and added more to a clause regarding board members serving on another county governmental body.
Some other changes including removing a limitation to board members during a debate, giving a time limit to members of the public that wish to address the board, the number of readings needed to make an ordinance a law and voting. All 28 present voted yes for the 1st Reading.
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