UW-Extension Hosting Farming the Web Program
Sunday, December 8th, 2013 -- 10:03 AM
-The Clark County UW-Extension and Clark County Land Conservation is hosting a program called Farming the Web.UW-Extension and Clark County Land Conservation have teamed up with Chippewa Valley Technical College in Neillsville and North Central Technical College in Spencer to present Farming the Web on.
The next class will be on Friday December 13th from 12:30pm to 3:00pm in Spencer.
Instructors for the programs are Richard Halopka, Crops & Soils Agent for the Clark County UW-Extension, and Matt Zoschke, Clark County Land Conservationist.
Topics covered in the two day sessions will include using a search engine and key words to locate information, downloading farm management tools from the internet spreadsheets, setting up an email account and sending emails with attachments, using Microsoft Word 2010 to create a simple document and using Microsoft Excel 2010 to create a simple spreadsheet.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.