Owen-Withee School Board November Administrator's Report
Sunday, November 24th, 2013 -- 9:13 AM
The Owen-Withee School Board heard the Administrator?s Reports at their meeting last week.District Administrator Bob Houts reported that Jennifer Wendler and Kallie Falteisek were the junior winners of the Jaycees Veterans? Day Essay contest. Both read their essays at the Veterans? Day Assembly.
The Alive Assembly was very well received by students in the junior high school and the high school. The group also did the assembly for parents. WKCE testing was held for all grades in the district during the beginning of November as well.
The board also heard some Policy Committee Reports. The policy committee is working on the 500 Series of policies.
Board President Steve Heggemeier also read a note from Doc Hosler thanking the school for the plant sent to him during his recent stay in the hospital and Bob Houts read an e-mail sent by the head coach from the Glenwood City high school congratulating the O-W football team on their organization, play, sportsmanship and character.
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