Marshfield Fire Deputy Discusses Fireworks Safety
Thursday, July 1st, 2021 -- 9:50 AM
(WDLB) As the Fourth of July celebrations approach, firefighters are out with their annual warnings about fireworks safety.
According to WDLB, Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention Pete Fletty with the Marshfield Fire-and-Rescue Department says the biggest thing is personal safety.
"You can look at any article online and see fireworks injuries and they're not pretty. The second thing we look at is, especially if it's dry out, if you're going to be lighting off your own fireworks, make sure you do it on concrete or something like that. Or at least have a hose out in case the grass catches fire or something like that. Property conservation is obviously the second thing we look at for sure."
Fletty says deal only with legal fireworks, meaning nothing that leaves the ground.
"As far as I know, you can only buy what's legal for Wisconsin at our fireworks stands, such as the one by Walmart and Festival Foods there. I know there are some illegal fireworks that filter into Wisconsin that are bought in other states. What they need to remember is that if they're illegal, they can certainly be cited for that, not from the Fire Department side, but more from the Police Department side of things. Generally, the reason they're illegal, is they do leave the ground and they can pose a danger to others and pose a fire danger risk obviously."
Fletty says only adults should handle fireworks, and everyone lighting them should be sober. And be prepared in case something goes wrong.
"Things you might want to consider having on hand is lighting them off on the driveway and pull your cars out of the driveway and light them off there, so nothing lights on fire. If you are going to light it off near a grassy area or other vegitation or something like that, you'll probably want to have a hose at the ready and on hand and right there just in case something does start on fire. And, obviously, you want to keep everybody clear and a safe distance away from those fireworks. And, generally, on the packaging of those fireworks, they have how far away you should be from that certain firework."
Fletty says fireworks can –and do – injure people every year.
"It's mostly the illegal ones. A closed hand around a firecracker or something like that. It can do some major damage to your fingers and your hand and cause burn injuries that last a lifetime. So, lighting off those illegal fireworks for that one day, you have to really weigh, is it really worth it? Not only is it illegal, but they're illegal here for a reason. Because they can be dangerous."
Fletty says the Marshfield Fire-and-Rescue Department typically gets 5-10 calls every year for what he calls minor injuries.
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