Owen-Withee School Board Discusses Revenue Limit Override
Thursday, October 17th, 2013 -- 8:08 AM
-The Owen-Withee School Board discussed there coming revenue limit override at their Monday meeting.The board discussed how much and for how long the board wants to submit to the voters. Bob Houts, Owen-Withee?s District Administrator, gave the board numbers that reflect the most current data to show the impact of a $0, $150,000, $200,000, $250,000 and $300,000 on the mil rate. Due to the increased property valuation in the District, the mill rate is set to drop about $.37 per $1000 of property value.
Mr. Houts also gave the board a letter from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau that outlined the Governor?s proposal for property tax relief. If this is passed by the legislature, the mil rate will drop even further.
The Board set a date of Monday, October 25th to hold a community forum regarding the revenue limit override. The purpose of the meeting will be to hear from tax payers about what they think is the best, most affordable plan for the referendum in February.
The three new teachers were welcomed to the District by the board. 1st Grade Teacher Lisa Westaby, Instrumental Music Teacher Ryan Gutsch and 6th Grade Teacher Dan Mears were on hand to meet the board and board members were able to put a face to a name of the people they approved to hire last summer.
Also, five of the seven Board members have completed and submitted their self-evaluations. When the other two are received, the data will be entered and the Board will discuss and review at their next meeting.
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