The Owen City Council is Beginning Their Budget Process
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 -- 8:18 AM
-The Owen City Council is beginning their budget process.Clerk Terri Ernst presented to the Council the 2014 Budget Schedule. Each City department is working on their budgets. When all are turned in, a Finance and Personnel meeting will be scheduled. November 26th will be Owen?s Budget Public Hearing.
The council approved a variance to the Meadowview Golf Course and Restaurant allowing them to install a holding tank and they approved for Owen?s Public Works Director, Gary Smith, to attend the Wisconsin Wastewater Operator Association Annual Conference in October.
The council voted to table an issue regarding culverts on Willow Road until further information is obtained.
Finally the council approved an Ordinance Amending Zoning Definitions pertaining to certain nonconformities and an Ordinance Amending the Owen Zoning Code regarding nonconforming uses, structures and lots.
Also, during this meeting, is when Tim Swiggum announced his candidacy, as an Independent, for the 69th District Assembly Seat.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.