Loyal School Board Prepares for 2013-14 School Year
Friday, August 23rd, 2013 -- 9:11 AM
-Several positions were filled during the Loyal School Board meeting on Wednesday evening.The board hired a Varsity Boys Basketball Coach, a custodian, a 5th grade teacher, a Kindergarten teacher and a Special Ed. Aide.
They also accepted the resignation of a school board member Kenny Loos.
The board approved the purchase of new scoreboards in the gyms as two of the three are 49 years old.
The also approved their participation in the federal Race to the Top grant which is a collaborative effort through CESA 10. They will be joining several other districts in our area as well.
5 new policies were approved and they are privacy in locker rooms, corporal punishment, parent rights, Special Ed. Technology and Special Ed. programming.
Finally, the board approved extra duty pay for their Channel 99 cable TV facilitator, added 10 days to the Principal?s contract and taxing for fund 80 to cover community-related expenses which, in this case, is primarily to maintain the golf course.
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