Owen-Withee School Board Approves Price Increase and Pay Cuts for Expected Budget Shortfall
Thursday, August 15th, 2013 -- 8:17 AM
-The Owen-Withee School Board reviewed the 2013-2014 budget at their meeting on Monday.The board discussed the budget shortfall the District is facing for the 2013-14 school year.
Over the past four years the District has lost $1,000,000 in revenue limit authority. While they have cut about $800,000 from their budget this time around, the $200,000 deficit each year is catching up to the district.
The board approved several price increases and pay cuts including increasing the athletic user fee from $10 to $25 with a cap of $50 per student per year, increasing the Jr/Sr High Student fee from $4 to $10, and increased ticket prices to HS athletic events from $2/$1 to $3/$1.
The board then reduced school board salaries for 2013-14 by 25%. The president and clerk will receive $750 per year, members will receive $675. Meeting rates will reduce to $45 for a half day meeting and $90 for a full day.
For the WASB Convention for 2014 the district will allow one delegate to attend the convention in.
Milwaukee. Any additional member may attend but no perdiem nor transportation cost will be paid by the District.
Finally, the board increased the employee share of Health Insurance to 12% for all employees. Currently, different groups of employees pay different rates. And they reduced the HRA contribution for employees taking Health Insurance from $3000/$1500 to $2000/$1000.
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