Busy Night for Loyal School Board, Final
Wednesday, May 15th, 2013 -- 8:58 AM
-It was a busy night for the Loyal School Board at their Wednesday meeting last week.The board elected their officers for the 2013-2014 school year. All the positions remained the same except the vice president position.
The board also voted for their CESA 10 delegate and their WASB delegate. They also appointed the appropriate people to the various committees.
A brief presentation was given on the budget for Loyal. Different possibilities were discussed depending on the amount of aid given to each student.
The board heard a presentation from John Ashley of the WASB on what makes an effective and productive board.
Finally, the 1st reading of the New Jr. High Sports policy was approved as well as the Technology Plan. The 2nd reading of the Return to Work and Social Media policy was also approved.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.