Clark County Board of Supervisors Holding Listening Session
Monday, October 1st, 2012 -- 8:27 AM
-The Clark County Board of Supervisors is holding a Q&A session this evening at 7:30pm to discuss the Clark County Employee Handbook.Changes to the manual have been made already, but it seems with all the questions that are answered more seem to pop up.
There are plans to change the health insurance coverage, but the main goal is to give good coverage while reducing cost. They will also look into changing the definition of eligibility for the family plan.
The board is also going to look at transitioning out longevity and seniority as contracts for unions representing Clark County expire at the end of the year. They board will also discuss ACT 10 and the Affordable Health Care Act and why it?s important to have the handbook.
The board will continue the discussion at the meeting on October 4th.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.